Pam Webb

a writer's journey as a reader

National Library Week

National Library Week.  You gotta love the library.  I know I do.  I celebrate the library all year long, not just one week out of the year.  My hometown library is fabulous.  First off, our library is always busting out busy, yet there is always a place to park and I so appreciate how I can pull up and pop in my checkouts because the return box is conveniently placed near the building.  Secondly, we have a larger-than-life statue of Abraham Lincoln in the foyer. How cool is that?  Honest Abe, who we all know was a definite Book Booster is right there greeting each and every patron who enters the door.  Thirdly, the foyer always has a group of kids hanging out.  Being a teacher I certainly enjoy seeing my students, past and present (and maybe some future ones) relaxing  in a safe place that welcomes them. Our library has a wonderful kids program ranging from preschool to high school.  Kids are a valued aspect of our local library.  But the reason above all reasons I love my local library is they know me on a first name basis.  This cartoon is me going to the library.  No kidding.

I have librarians who email me new book read suggestions, and will actually buy my requests instead of just inter-library loan order them.  Love my library! Oh, yes indeed I do.  Check out this link if you love your library.

You belong on this National Library Week | American Libraries Magazine.

For fun here is a tribute to libraries:



Oh, by the way…if you haven’t become a Book Booster yet, there is still room on the list.

Well, gotta run.  My library closes in fifteen minutes and I have a book on hold.

Blue Skies,


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11 thoughts on “National Library Week

  1. Go Libraries! I have volunteered at my local library and have gone to writing groups there; they are such wonderful places for the community. I really enjoy seeing kids checking out books and being excited to read them.

  2. We have a good network of libraries in my locality, and they do a good job of making things convenient for me. I can go online and request or reserve a book. I can request to pick it up at the library most convenient for me. I can return the book to any location I want. They will email me to tell me when my book is due, and there are self checkouts everywhere so that I don’t have to wait in line.

    Libraries are the bomb.

  3. Wow, and I thought the libraries were great where I am. I don’t go into mine as much as you obviously do, but they sure are convenient. There’s one up the street from my house, one in the community centre with the pool, and one right next to the art gallery!

    • We only have the one within the city limits, but there are some smaller county ones. We also have a bookmobile, which are coolness all on their own.
      Thanks for stopping by!

  4. Love the toddler in the National Library Week ad. A Book Booster in training!

  5. Pingback: The “You Belong” Anthology Read « Runnin Off at the Mouth….

  6. Pingback: Parking at the Shepherdstown Library. Beware of the Parking Meter Cops! « My Shepherdstown

  7. I used to work at a library. Great memories. Liked the cartoon too 🙂

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